Course Summary
VCE Chemistry enables students to explore the relationship between materials and energy through four themes: the design and composition of useful materials, the reactions and analysis of chemicals in water, the efficient production and use of energy and materials, and the investigation of carbon-based compounds as important components of body tissues and the materials used in society.
An important feature of VCE Chemistry is the opportunity for students to undertake a range of inquiry tasks both collaboratively and independently. Inquiry methodologies can include laboratory experimentation, modelling, site tours, fieldwork, local and remote data-logging, simulations, animations, literature reviews and the use of global databases. Students pose questions, formulate hypotheses, collect and analyse data, evaluate methodologies and results, justify conclusions, make recommendations and communicate their findings.
As well as an increased understanding of scientific processes, students develop capacities that enable them to critically assess the strengths and limitations of science, respect evidence-based conclusions and gain an awareness of the ethical, social and political contexts of scientific endeavours.
VCE: Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4 available.
Required Books
Chemistry Units 1 & 2
Heinemann Chemistry 1 VCE SB/EB 5E [Commons et al] (via Campion Education).
Chemistry Units 3 & 4
Heinemann Chemistry 2 VCE SB/EB 5E [Hogendoom, Bob et al] (via Campion Education).
Learning Area Contact
Teacher: Catherine Craig